After delivering this poem in front of group of athletes at basketball camp, I decided to refine and deliver again on camera!
Below you’ll find the refined version of the poem, and click here to see the video!
What do you want?
Take this one suggestion
Look inside yourself and ask this one question.
What do you want?
See, people don’t lack motivation….they lack clarity.
Not understanding the consequence of confusion, the severity
Day by day, living with this, uncertain regularity
Hoping they go from nothing to…. popularity……
Dreaming of one day becoming someone others call a, rarity.
That’s not how it works.
So I’ll ask you again.
What do you want?
So few ever ask that question, they have no clue.
But I stand here right now to make sure it doesn’t happen to you.
Because I don’t want you to live a life of regret,
a path that leads to being upset,
that races through your mind like a…red corvette,
that replays over and over like a old cassette,
That goes up in smoke like a used… cigarette
Just to become someone others easily… forget.
Nah. I don’t want that for you.
You don’t want that for you.
So I ask you again.
What do you want?
See, that my friends… Is the question
That question leads you on the path of growth, a progression
That question makes you like nobody else, an exception.
That question gives your life a deep meaning, a direction
That question makes you look square in the mirror, and truly see your reflection.
That’s what you deserve.
So I’ll ask you again.
What do you want?
Because when you answer that question.
You become different. You think different. You walk different. You talk different. You sleep different. You study different. You live different. You learn different. You lead different.
You are different.
Yeah, different is unnerving, intimidating, and scary
But that’s the price of admission to overcome ordinary
Different can change the world.
You can change the world.
So where do you start?
With one choice. One thought. One action. One movement. One shot.
One shot
Or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you capture it
Or just let it slip?
So I ask you one more time. To take this suggestion, and ask yourself this question.
What. Do. You. Want?